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The Miscellaneous series is composed of a wide range of models. Each of them solve a specific failure. This series’ variety is able to permanently override your major downfalls. These span from the most remote and endemic failures, which you constantly face, to the most relevant, which reveal your inability to solve contemporary society’s emerging issues.

The solutions are found in the Miscellaneous series. These will resolve the setbacks that torment you, those that make your life a living hell. Now you can finally reconcile with your past. This will allow you to live in the present serenely and to discern the future with an intrepid vision.

Failed To Do A Good Job
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Fulfill Small Daily Goals
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Create Cordial Relationships
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Create Trustworthy Friendships
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Experience Great Love
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Have Hot Sex
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Create Happy Family
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Enjoy Carefree Vacations
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Reach Psycho-Physical Well-Being
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Build A Muscular Body
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Have Lots Of Money
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Separate Waste And Recycling
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Solve The Water Shortage
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Avoid The Financial Crack
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Solve Environmental Pollution
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Counter The Terrorist Attacks
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Prevent Animal Species Extinction
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)


Failed To Counter Global Warming
Pencil, pen, marker, paper, plexiglass
10.2 x 10.2 inches (25.9 x 25.9 cm)